Participation within the IV All-Ukrainian conference on “Inclusive education as an individual trajectory of personal growth of a child with special educational needs” within the Jean Monnet project (10-11.12.2020, online)
On December 10-11, 2020 at Vinnytsya State Pedagogical University in the framework of the Erasmus+ Project (Jean Monnet Module) 620252-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE “EU experience of soft skills development of the preschool and primary school age children by theater activities in teacher training” an all-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference with international participation “Inclusive education as an individual trajectory of personal growth of a child with special educational needs” was organized.
The purpose of the conference was to discuss among teachers, pedagogical and social workers, members of public organizations, student youth problems and prospects of implementing an inclusive approach in educational institutions, sharing experiences in using innovative pedagogical technologies in working with children with special educational needs.
NEO-Ukraine Jean Monet expert Petro KRAINIK joined the event with the welcome speech. About 360 participants representing 5 countries, 21 free educational institutions and other institutions atteded the conference was attended the event. About 170 participants joined the direct connection within 2 days. Project 620252-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE was presented at the plenary session and during the section “Development of soft skills of children with special educational needs by means of theatrical activities in an inclusive educational space”.